For the Individual & Family we find the right insurance plan that best fits your needs. When searching for your health insurance benefits sometimes it can be overwhelming. By letting Preferred Benefit Services do the work for you it makes that one step a whole lot easier. With our continued services you can count on us to provide the quality service you deserve.
The Family is certainly where it begins when it comes to planning. We help to provide you a personal outline of benefits to help determine the best solution to your health and life insurance and retirement needs. Our recomendation of qualified advisors can help you with the important steps to taking care of your wills, trusts, and retirement plans, making sure your household is taken care of.
Every business can be assured that we'll go to work on your behalf by helping find the best health insurance benefits. We pay close attention to see that a very specialized insurance plan for you & your employees meets your specific needs, while saving costs and putting money back into your business where it belongs. We know that your business is your priority. We work to keep it that way.
(360) 779-2710 1-888-779-2710 Contact Us